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Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Algorithm derived ari Algorism word that means the process of counting with Arabic numerals. Algorism word itself comes from an author of the famous Arab, Abu Ja'far Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khuwarizmi (al-Western Khuwarizmi be read Algorism). Khuwarizmi Al-wrote a book entitled "Kitab al-Jabar Wal Muqabala", which means "The Book of restoration and reduction" (The book of restoration and reduction). Algorism change from a word for word Algorith appears frequently in the wrong Algorism premises Arithmetic mean, so the suffix became-sm-THM. Finally he said slowly fade Algorithm is used as a method of calculation (Computing) in general, thereby losing its original meaning. In Indonesian the algorithm.
The algorithm is a picture of the sequence of systematic steps in solving a problem.
An algorithm is good and true to the nature of mepunyai properties:

FINITENES (finish)
An algorithm must end after a certain number of steps.

Every step of the algorithm must be defined precisely, the action action to be completed detailed secra be listed in each case.

INPUT (input)
The algorithm has a feedback input zero or more of the initial amount given before the algorithm begins.

OUTPUT (output)
Quantity that has a special relationship with the input input.

Effectiveness (effectively)
All operations that are used must be adequate and appropriate basic.

Efficient (Efficient)
All operations are used selau associated with funds, resources used in the aik algorithm that can solve the problem.

Communicative (communicative)
The algorithm is made must be understood by sipembuat after some time interval that the algorithm was written and the algorithm must be used by others.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Searching the Data Structure

Searching is a search method in the data structure. Search within this data structure is a job most basic programming.

Sequential searching is a linear search method is a linear search berurutan.Metode quite easy to implement in a program.Metoda writing this using the beginning of the end of the left and then make a comparison of each of the existing elements with a search element. if it is found, the search function to an end and will generate value True.Sementara if the element in question was not found until the end of an array then the search will end with the absence of such elements in the array and the function will generate value in False.Dalam searching methods This array or rows of values must be sorted first dahulu.Karena have ordered then we know that we are looking for elements that have greater value than the elements in the array list designated by index.kita not need to search further because we are looking for elements that would not be we find in the rest of the array that allows the search ada.Ini faster progress when we look for elements in the front of the array list ada.tentu just the opposite: if the element in question is dai end of the array list.

Binary SearchAdalah Searching a method in the conventional manner of the search always starts from the left end of the array where it was at the show by the initiation of the object index with a value of 0. Next we do a search array to perform a search array to the end of the array is reached. To understand how the Binary Search works, imagine when we try to guess the number within a range from 1 to 100 are sequences given to a friend kita.misalkan for each guess that we make, our friends would say we guessed right, too small or too big. The best guess at the beginning of 50 if his guess is too high then we should figure out 25, while if too large a guess our next 75. Every time we always chose to guess at the center by adjusting the lower limit and upper limit of the number.

Searching in the program:

String Processing

String is one of the existing data types in data structure.
String is a common data type used in all programming languages.
String definition as adopted by almost all programming languages, is a set of letters, numbers and symbols ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) and other Unicode.
Although a lot of string operations operations that can be done in the programming language
There are three important operations:

1. Substring:
Finding a string section in a string intact.
2. Determining the length of a string.
3. Determining the position of a particular character dalan a string.

Solving a piece of string into pieces which he said is a very common application, many programs from Web applications to office use this format string.
Split method to solve them takes a certain string into the parts and then put the sections into an array of String.
This split method focuses on the separator character to determine where to split a string. we can specify the separator between words when we use this method split.Dalam many applications to export data in a form that restricts the string of characters between said comma (,), where the export file that is often shaped CSV (Coma Separated Values).
Join Method acting in the opposite direction of the split method. Method join word string words into a whole. Thus these two methods (split and join methods) can be used for the opposite function.
Join method is used to combine the words before we send it to the other party.
Method of comparison or to.dengan compare this method allows us to determine the relationship must have happened between the two string objects.
Equal method can be called from the object string and take other objoek string as an argument and then do a string comparison of the two objects are characters per second karakter. string object that has the same character, method will produce value equal True.
Remove method is one in a string processing methods.
Remove method takes 2 arguments: the starting position and the number of characters that will be deleted. Remove method using the same position for insertion strings when deleting NAME NAME and removal of specified length value is the length of variable NAME. This allows us lo NAME remove variable, whatever its length.
Replace method is one in a string yangk method basically takes 2 arguments are strings that will be replaced and the string will replace ykang. This replaced the method will eventually return a new string.
String method is also often used is ToUpper is a method which can convert a string from lowercase to uppercase (capital) or otherwise of small letter case. namely toLower.

 #String  #Processing

Friday, January 9, 2009

Rekursion in Data Structure

Rekursion The data structure is a process of calling itself a looping statement.
Recursive process in this data structure also allows for endless computing to the use of memory can not accommodate more.
So that needs to pay attention to the condition to stop the program execution process.
As implementation of this reekursi process include:
1. The process of calculating the factorial value of the positive integers.
2. find rows fibonnaci of an integer.
3. Tower of Hanoi game and others.


Data structures introductory greetings

Data structure is one of the material taught in the learning process in Information Systems and Information Engineering.
So much content from existing data structures and should be studied for students who follow the lessons and information systems Information Engineering.
On this occasion I tried to summarize the various sources of material to be used for friends who are studying in this field.
Although I may summarize the material has not been able to reference, but just breaking it ...
Therefore let us learn even harder to complete the science we've got.
Keep the spirit to learn ... Reach for your dreams dreams ..!!!

#Data Structure, 


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